3DOF Arm and Claw
Create robotic arm that can extend to reach over 33 inches and fit inside robot at rest
Be able to deliver cones right side up from both back and front of robot only using the arm mechanism
Build with set budget
Used Onshape to design arm
Assembled out of stock parts from many brands
Calculated torque output and weight applied to motors
Kept project cost lows through cost optimazation of standard parts
Was able to pick up cones from ground and raise them to various heights keeping the cone right side up and dropping
Stayed under projected budget and allowed to reallocate resources elsewhere
Prototypes, Prior Designs, and Inspiration
More About Arm and Claw
It is important to understand the forces and torques when working with motors
Prototyping stage is a critical stage to understand what you want so you don't have to have so many change of inside product
No Future Step at this Time
First Tech Challenge Team 11980